Monday, September 23, 2019

Week 6

Language Arts: I did some proofreading practice, focusing on apostrophes and correct use of a/an. I read some poems and prose by Ralph Waldo Emerson and discussed the themes with my mom. I read a biographical sketch of Emerson as well. His dad died when he was only 8, leaving his mom with 8 children.

Math: I did a lesson on What is Algebra: Basic Algebra Rules. The Other lesson was Word Problems and simplifying algebraic expressions.

Science: I went over mass and inertia. Inertia is the tendency of objects to remain stationary or in motion unless acted upon by a force. Mass is the amount of stuff that an object is made of. I did an experiment with my racer and a penny on top. When the racer stopped, the penny flew off because of inertia. This was compared to a person driving in a car without a seatbelt--the car might stop suddenly and the person would keep going. Not good!

History: I learned about the slave trade. The growing and harvesting of sugar was really hard work and at first Native Americans were forced to work on the plantations. But many of them died from disease and overwork, so the Spanish and Portuguese needed another source of labor and started using slaves. When the English were setting up tobacco plantations, they wanted slaves to do the work. By the 1700s, every colony in the Americas imported slaves from Africa.

Welding: I finished my name plate. I passed off the side by side welding technique, but I can’t remember the technical name of that right now.

Sports Conditioning: This week we just played basketball for sports conditioning. It is kind of annoying because I ended up with a group of boys who aren’t really interested in practicing, mostly just goofing off. I also had a basketball game this week with my Vinaka team. We didn't win but I did make a 3 point shot in the game so that was nice.

Drone: Canvas class

My mom had some leftover dry ice so I 
decided to do this bubble experiment I'd 
seen on the internet. It took so many tries to get it to work. 
The bubble kept popping right at the end when I would try 
and seal it to the other side. 

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