Sunday, November 10, 2019

Week 13

Language Arts: Continuing the mind mapping lessons. Did some sentence diagramming, vocabulary review, and prefixes/roots review.

Math: My lessons were on limits. It is kind of confusing but I am getting the hang of it slowly. A limit is when an equation can approach a value but never reach it. I also started intro to calculus. Also did some trigonometry

Science: did an experiment to find the glide angle of the wooden glider. I measured the height I was throwing it from and the distance it went and divided them to find the glide angle.

Sports conditioning: we did mostly running to get prepared for try outs. Try outs are next week so there was no open gym this week.

Welding: I passed off my stick welding butt joint 1G. Now working on the stick lap joint. On Thursday I was doing my clean up assigned task and someone hadn’t properly cooled their metal and I ended up burning my fingertips pretty bad. It really hurt.

Drone: Canvas class. I did some of my practice flights, they are pretty easy for me because I’ve been flying drones for a long time.

History: Lesson this week was on the early European (mostly English) settlements. There was Jamestown and it was a rough time for those settlers. A lot of them died.

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