Saturday, September 29, 2018

Week 6

Language Arts: I did some vocabulary words. Came up with a list in my Writer’s Notebook for possible protagonists. My check out of the book Unbreakable ended but we did find the kindle so my mom bought the book so I can keep reading it. I reviewed when to use apostrophes. I did several lessons in my Workbook for Dyslexics.

Math: We didn’t have any special homework from Mr. Rosa, so we are just doing lessons in the Algebra 1 textbook this week. Lessons were on unit multipliers, absolute value, sets, and number lines.

Science: We learned about how wings make things fly. We learned that a drone can’t fly in a vacuum because it requires air, but a rocket doesn’t need air so it can fly in a vacuum (space). We flew our Star Wars drones which was really fun. In my co-op class we learned about the differences in the different groups and periods on the periodic table.

History: We listened to the next episode of the Podcast History of the World. This one was about the Neolithic Revolution and how agriculture changed things a lot for early humans. One interesting thing was that farmed food was not as nutritious as wild food, so people were shorter than the hunter/gatherer societies had been.

Makerspace (Tech):  We started working on our cement planter project. I am not sure if we will have a way to put a drainage hole in it but I guess we will see.

Programming (Elective): Worked on some of the missions at First Lego League. I also worked a little bit with tools on the workbench here at home. It was a pretty busy week so I didn’t have a lot of project time.

Other:  I am playing in a basketball tournament this weekend. One game on Friday and three on Saturday.

I'm #21

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