Sunday, May 12, 2019

Week 38

Language Arts: I did the Study Island end of year assessment. I am working on a short article about Patagonia. I did some dyslexia workbook lessons and some lessons in my language arts program. 

Math: I am working through the Saxon Algebra tests to see what areas I need to work on. I did tests 11 and 12 this week. 

Science: We watched the next episode of Cosmos. It was about determining the age of the earth using the half life of uranium. The guy who figured that out was also the one who was mainly behind the oil industry finally removing lead from the gasoline. The oil industry claimed the lead was not causing problems and levels weren’t higher than in the past. He got ice samples from far down inside a glacier to prove that lead levels were much higher.  We also watched some youtube science videos. 

History: I listened to the next episode of Podcast History of our World. It talked about Moses and how we don’t know a lot of historically proven facts but we can still learn from the stories recorded in the bible. His story is similar to other stories of leaders in the ancient past so there might have been some borrowing between cultures and some fiction mixed in with fact. 

Makerspace (Tech):  I made a Punisher sticker for my phone. Since I finished my final project, I just had time to work on other things. 

Programming (Elective): I finished Variables with Artist on I did the first five exercises of Changing Variables with Bee.

Other:  Had basketball practice two times and a game on Saturday. We went to my cousin Theo’s 3 year old birthday party. 

Bandit "helping" with my lesson

Some science related videos we watched

Playing with my cousin Theo and his cousins his mom's side

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