Monday, May 11, 2020

Week 38

L. Arts: I read an article about increased internet demand during the pandemic and the challenges it creates. It also mentioned the broadband gap for the 15% of rural households that don’t have high speed internet. I marked the keywords and made a Mindmap of the article, then summarized it orally.

Math: I took a quiz. I learned about the two step proofs for lines crossing in a circle and lines tangent to a circle.

Science: Science has just been working on mini house, Ive finished all the walls and the lighting. Not sure if it will have a roof but it's pretty cool already. It was fun to build and learn about how real houses are made.
History: History was about president Theodore Roosevelt. Roosevelt was the president that got the Panama canal built. He is also the first president to receive the nobel peace prize.

Welding: I had a quiz on different types of welds. He had photos and we had to identify them.

Drone: I turned in my obstacle course video. I worked on some of the other videos.

Sports Conditioning (PE): This week I kept working on my goals from last week. I decided to just do a certain number of reps rather than time how many I could do in a minute.

These were my favorite tulips at the Tulip Festival. 

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